Boeing 787
Boeing 787-8/9 Initial and Recurrent Training Course

Boeing 777-200/300 to Boeing 787-9 Differences Training Course

Boeing 787-8 to Boeing 777-300 Differences Training Course

Boeing 787-8 to Boeing 787-9 Differences Training Course

Boeing 787 Interactive Aircraft Systems Diagrams

FMS Skills Training

Cockpit Procedures Training

Walk Around Training

Boeing 787 Pilot Training Courses
CPaT Global, the world’s leading provider in distance learning solutions, offers Boeing 787 training courses designed as a systems knowledge CBT for both initial and recurrent training. Additional Boeing 787 pilot training courses available include basic and differences training, interactive system diagrams, and enhanced learning options. Each of our Boeing 787 aviation training courses have their own knowledge assessment along with 24/7 technical support and customer service.
B787 Distance Learning Training
CPaT’s Boeing 787 Distance Learning courses are accessible through our powerful Learning Management System (LMS) and Mobile Application, which can be used on Mac, PC, or Android computers, tablets, and devices. These Boeing 787 courses can be used both online and offline, synchronizing when connectivity is re-established, allowing training anytime and anywhere.
Lessons within this course include CFM, Communication Systems, Dimensions, Ground Maneuvering, Electrical Systems, Engine, Flight Controls, Fuel Systems, Hydraulic Systems, Navigation, Weather Radar, and many more.
Meet your training goals and budgets with CPaT Global’s distance learning solutions.